Posts Tagged ‘summer’

I remember growing up as a kid and counting down the last days of school until summer holidays! I loved summer vocation, it was a time to go to the beach and swim all day long, play in the sand, go bike riding, roller blading, playing cricket at the park and staying outside playing till late as the sunset.

However times have changed today, with the increase of technology in our fast paced society, many kids are more likely to want to hang out at home and play indoors with their computer or watch TV. Whilst these activities may be fun, it is also important that kids spend time during the summer holidays having fun outside with their friends being active.

Here are some Fun Holiday Activities kids can play this summer! (more…)

Are you bored this summer bored of being stuck indoors, kids drving you up the wall or maybe you would just like to know where you can take the whole family for a fun weekend or just a day there are loads of great places in liverpool for you to try such as the liverpool football club tour: (more…)